Jupiter Joe's Sidewalk Astronomy is always looking to try and introduce new, innovative experiences that excite minds both young and ... not so young! To do this JJSA relies on the support of people just like you, people that want to see minds exercised and eyes opened.
From time to time you will see specific donation requests listed below, these are almost always tied to a specific project that we are working on or to fulfill a need in our general outreach requirments; we will always do our best to provide background on the project but once donations are made we will provide doners with access to our projects page so that they can follow the entire project develepment and see their donations being put to use!


Hydrogen Alpha for safe viewing of the sun's Chromosphere. This is an imperative tool for educating school age children about solar activity.

There is never a shortage of telescope need. We will either use your donation for JJSA or in some cases we will find underprivileged children with an interest in pursuing a career in Astronomy and donate to them on your behalf.

We are presently looking for German Equitorial Mounts to begin performing astrophotography outreach with children.

All types are appreciated so that we may use them to educate the public via a share program.
Monetary donations are always appreciated and we keep you apprised of how your donation is benefiting Jupiter Joe's Sidewalk Astronomy. Every donation will be used to further ensure that astronomy outreach can continue both in the visual outreach but also the free lecture and workshop space, benefiting underserved communities.