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Jupiter Joe's Sidewalk Astronomy is happy to welcome you to our website and hopes that your interest in astronomy brings you back often as our goal is always to bring new rich educational information for our younger visitors and also give parents and adults the tools and interest to become better educated so they to can carry on the educational process at home.

We encourage you to visit our calendar and come out to one of our hosted events or join us as we participate in other hosted events by organizations such as the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum, The American Museum Of Natural History & the International Sidewalk Astronomers organization .

What's Up In The Sky

August 2019

Each month I will point out key celestial events and observable objects that light up the sky.  From planetary viewings to deep sky happenings you will find it all here on a week by week basis.

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Watch the latest episode of Meteor Minute on The Local Live

Astronomy Countdown

Astronomy Countdown

Astronomy Countdown

Check here for a countdown to the next celestial event


August 13th- Perseids Meteor Shower

August 15th- Sturgeon Full Moon

September 10th- Neptune Opposition

September 14th- Harvest Full Moon

October 8th- Draconids Meteor Shower

October 19th- Mercury at Greatest Eastern Elongation

October 21st- Orionids Meteor Shower

October 28th- Uranus Opposition

November 5th- South Taurid Meteor Shower

November 11th- Mercury Transit!

November 12th- Beaver Full Moon

November 12th- North Taurid Meteor Shower

November 18th- Leonids Meteor Shower

November 24th- Conjunction of Venus and Jupiter

November 28th- Mercury at Greatest Western Elongation

December 12th- Cold Full Moon

December 14th- Geminids Meteor Shower

Jump to 28:39 to watch Meteor Minute

Call Now: 914-713-5572

@2011-2017 by Joseph Martinez. Jupiter Joe's Sidewalk Astronomy

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